This was another whirlwind weekend for the Fowle household. Cassie was home for the "Bar Hike" on Hillsborough Street and was celebrating her new job and trying to figure out her big move, and our social calendar was packed to the brim (did you know that there is no Spanish word for "brim"? I learned that from our Argentinian friends this weekend!)

On Saturday morning, Kennedy and I packed up and left for Willow Springs at 7am for her photo shoot. She has to have her modeling photos redone because they are two years old and she has changed quite a bit since her original photos were taken. The photographer is local this time, so we didn't have to drive to Hickory this time -- but we had to stop to pick out a new outfit on the way, so we left very early. We got to the photographer's house and were paired up with a 17-year old girl from Chapel Hill who is the reigning Miss Teen North Carolina. They had a great time together and it was good thing, because our 2-3 hour shoot turned out to last over 5 hours!! But, the photographer was very pleased with Kennedy's work and I'm hopeful that the photos will be terrific.
Saturday night was the Jim and Leigh's luau, and we had a GREAT time. We saw lots of neighbors and most of the softball team and many of the Family Fun Night folks. The roasted pig was yummy and there was tons of food! The rain kind of dampened things a bit, tho -- we managed to stay for an hour in the sprinkles, but by 10:30 we were ready to head home. Kennedy fell asleep on my lap at 10:15, and we had another early morning coming up on Sunday. Thanks, Jim and Leigh, tho for hosting such a fun time -- it's definitely on our calendar for NEXT year!
Sunday morning was our scheduled beach trip with the GSE Team from Argentina. Again, we were up at 6:30 and out the door by 7:15. We met Tollan Wade and his family in Fuquay, drove to Four Oaks, picked up the team and BJ Deal (our Area's asst. district governor) and headed to Atlantic Beach and Beaufort. Vicky and Mariana drove with Kennedy and I, and Tollan's son Alex joined Kennedy in the back seat to keep her company. The two of them had a GREAT time back there playing games, listening to music, and playing with Kennedy's new Webkinz.
We started our tour of the NC coastline at Atlantic Beach -- I've never been to any of these places, so it was as much fun for me as it was for the team. We walked on the beach and collected shells and rocks while Kennedy and Alex body-surfed in the waves and played in the sand. The kids were the only ones who were brave enough to change into swim suits and actually got waist-deep in the water before it finally froze them! The team really enjoyed the beach and told us about the difference between our beaches and the ones in Argentina.
After the beach, BJ took us to historic Beaufort for lunch and shopping. The ladies tried crab cakes and southern seafood dishes on the upper deck of a restaurant that overlooked the water. Then, after lunch, we walked up and down the main street of Beaufort looking at the restored homes and checking out the cool shops. The team window-shopped for over an hour before we all gathered again at 4pm. The Wades headed off on their own after that, but the team wanted to go to Fort Macon, which was just down the road.

BJ took us there, but had to leave before the team was ready to go, so she left and the entourage was down to Kennedy and I and the 5 ladies. We explored the fort for over an hour and took LOTS more photos. It is an amazing place and I can't wait to go back someday and explore it more thouroughly!
After the fort closed at 5:30, we walked to the west side of the peninsula and checked out the beach. Kennedy, Mariana, Anabella, and Alicia actually went down to the water for a few minutes, but the rest of us stayed up in the observation post and watched.
By the time we were done at the fort, it was time to head back. We stopped at a Starbucks and got some hot water so we could share some mate on the way back. I love that! :)
The rain finally came as we were driving home and we drove home through a monsoon, but it was all worth it. Kennedy slept most of the way home and it was a struggle to get up this morning, but it was a great day at the coast and it was more memories for us all to share. We have a farewell party for the team on Friday night and then they fly to New York for a few days. Hopefully we can arrange a trip to Argentina in the next few months to visit them!! It's absolutely awesome to have friends in a foreign country to make a visit so much more meaningful. I guess it's time for me to learn Spanish!! :)
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