Just a quick announcement that work on the play I am writing with Paul Allgood has reached a huge milestone today! After almost a year of meeting regularly at the Eva Perry Library and The Daily Perk coffee shop, we have successfully completed a complete first draft of the play! Transforming 150 pages of mostly monologue into 3 acts of dialogue and action while maintaining the voice of the original book has been a huge challenge, but it has been incredibly rewarding and the best laboratory for learning how to create an artistic production from 2-dimensional text. Next Monday (May 5th) we will be showing it to an actor's ensemble for the first time. The playwriter's lab at Burning Coal Theater in downtown Raleigh will be reading the first ten pages of the play and giving us some feedback. Then, we'll tweak it and submit it for production as a reader's theater project at Burning Coal. We are also pursuing the playwriting department at UNC, where there seems to be some interest in looking at our project as well!
We'll keep you posted on future developments!! :)
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