Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pictures of Summer

Between work and Rotary activities, summer has been flying by and I just realized I hadn't posted anything here in almost a month!!

So, here are some photos of summer activities -- I'll post a few more tomorrow as well.

Most notably, we have been to see the Rothwell's in Lenior (who have new baby ducks!); to see Gallagher (the comic) in person at Charlie Goodnights with our good friends, Mark and Maria; to a Jonas Brothers concert last Wednesday at Alltel Pavilion with Jill Dunn and her kids; and to a Durham Bull's game with the Girl Scouts!!
Can you tell which picture is from which event?

We drive to Florida on Friday morning for 3 days to drop Danny off with his mom for the school year, and after I get back I'll write a more interesting update. :)

I've also put a couple of summer pics of the older girls in the right-hand column -- aren't they gorgeous??!