Last Thursday was the Rotary Golf tournament that I've been working on for the last four weeks... I knew I would be very happy when it was all over, but it was even better because we beat our goal by $200 and earned the extra $3,000 that was promised by a local businessman who was challenging us to secure $25,000 in sponsors. So, our grand total was $28,200 on the day of the tournament! Making our goal made the day that much sweeter! And yes, I am very relieved to be past that particular hurdle. Now we pay the few expenses we incurred in the planning process and look to next year's tournament. Both Mark's employer and our company sponsored tee signs on the 17th green, which are shown above. Next for Rotary is our Officer Installation ceremony in June, when I will officially become President-Elect for 2008-2009.
Friday night we went to Kennedy's school's Sock Hop. For 2 months I had been compiling the contents of a gift basket with a "Movie Night" theme for Kennedy's class. Parents donated items and money for me to purchase items for the basket. Every classroom in the school donated a basket to the auction that was held during the Sock Hop. Kennedy helped me put it all together, complete with the cellophane that shrinks when you put blow hot air on it with a hair dryer. The school raised over $5,500 from the basket auction, and the kids had a blast dancing to music from the 50's and 60's. The basket auction is another chore that I am very happy is behind me. Trying to raise money for a golf tournament AND find donations for that Movie Night basket at the same time was a bit trying!
Saturday afternoon and evening we spent at Tollan Wade's house talking about his trilogy of books and how to make them "arrive" on the national scene. After an hour of talking, we enjoyed a cookout and a pitcher of margueritas, and agreed to get together again in a couple of weeks to celebrate the four Gemini birthdays in the group! It was a lot of fun, and Kennedy enjoyed spending a few hours with Tollan's son, Alex. If you remember Alex, he's the one who wants to be a geologist (see my first or second post on this blog!). :)
Last, but not least, my parents came here for a visit yesterday and today. It was a very leisurely visit, and aside from a furniture-shopping expedition today for a couple of hours, it was two days of catching up and chatting. The only bummer was Dad's inability to get connected to the Internet through our system. It was very strange and we never did solve the problem. But, my computer was available all day today, so it was a good second choice. :)
Well, this week Kennedy is attending music class at school as she prepares as the understudy for the 4th grade production of Annie next week. She is "tracked out" right now (this is her second week of 3 1/2 weeks of vacation), but is going in to school 2-3 times a week to rehearse for the play. I have to give her credit for being so committed to the process!
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